MeowKiss Кошки A cat was bitten by a horsefly, a gadfly, a beetle, what should I do at home?

A cat was bitten by a horsefly, a gadfly, a beetle, what should I do at home?

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A cat was bitten by a horsefly, a gadfly, a beetle, what should I do at home?

The cat was bitten by horsefly, gadfly, beetle: what to do?

The cat was bitten by horsefly, gadfly, beetle what to do at home? If the cat was bitten by a beetle, it is necessary to provide first aid, then proceed according to the circumstances. If your pet’s condition worsens, you should take it to the veterinarian. The most dangerous bites are in the muzzle, neck, and nose. With the development of a strong allergic reaction, the animal risks death.

Bite symptoms

If a cat is bitten by a bug, the reaction of the animal is the same as that of a human. When the poison enters the bloodstream, swelling, swelling, redness, pain, burning, itching appears at the site of the bite. In some cases, the symptoms disappear on their own in a few days, without special treatment. In another situation, an urgent appeal to a specialist is required.

If a cat is bitten by a beetle, a severe allergic reaction can occur, which is manifested by a general deterioration in the well-being of the animal.

vomit; lack of appetite; convulsions; lacrimation; increased salivation; trembling in the body; temperature increase; loss of consciousness; hard breath; swelling of the larynx.

Allergy manifests itself within the first 20 minutes after being bitten by a bug. But complications can occur the next day. If after first aid the cat’s condition does not improve, you should take the pet to the veterinarian or consult by phone.

First Aid

What to do, if the cat was bitten by a bug, there is a certain mechanism of action. The insect leaves a sting in the body of the pet, which continues to secrete poison, it must be removed. If, upon careful examination of the affected area, the sting of the bee is not found, it means that the cat was bitten by a gadfly.

The sting should be removed carefully using tweezers. Nails can damage the structure, leave part of the organ in the body, which is highly undesirable. Removal will require surgery. Next, you should treat the sore spot with any antiseptic to neutralize the effect of the poison. For these purposes, use medications, folk remedies. After disinfection, you need to remove swelling, reduce pain. In this case, use a cold compress or ice cubes wrapped in a towel. The swelling will eventually go down in a few days. The procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a day.

If there are signs of a severe allergic reaction, it is allowed to give the cat an antihistamine, activated charcoal, to remove toxins until the specialist examines it.

The cat was bitten by a bug, the first help


To treat the wound, if the beetle has stung a cat, you can use medical alcohol, ammonia, any alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide.

Soothes pain, relieves swelling tincture of valerian, motherwort, calendula. A small amount is applied to a cotton swab, applied to a sore spot. If there is no alcohol, prepare a paste of soda. Mix in equal proportions kitchen salt, baking soda, dilute with a little water to form a slurry. Apply to the skin. Soda helps relieve swelling, pain, burning, itching. You can disinfect the wound with juice from an orange, lemon, onion, potato. Another effective remedy is laundry soap or an acidic solution. Table vinegar, citric acid are added to the water. They make lotions, apply a compress, wipe the skin.

In the future, to eliminate edema, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used — chamomile, mint, lemon balm, calendula. The potion is poured with boiling water, insisted for half an hour. It is necessary to treat sore spots several times a day. The edema disappears completely in 3 days.

First aid for a wasp, bee, bumblebee or hornet sting

The cat actively licks the bitten place with its tongue. Not only because the animal is in pain, unpleasant, but to disinfect the wound. Saliva is a natural antiseptic. Wild, stray cats treat themselves on their own. The sting eventually falls out without outside help.


After a bee sting in the cat’s noseon another place on the face, an antihistamine should be given to avoid severe allergies. There is no special feline drug. Experts advise:

Prednisolone. At home, give 0.5 tablets. Turned into powder, diluted with water, poured into the cat’s mouth. If instant relief of an allergic reaction is required, an injection is made intramuscularly, 0.5 ml of the solution is injected. Dexamethasone. More suitable for obvious signs of allergies — vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing. An injection is made with a solution of 0.2 ml. Diazolin. It is recommended if the beetle has bitten a kitten, an adult cat, a cat. Dose — 0.5 tablets at a time. On the first day, an antihistamine is given three times. L-cet. A modern antihistamine drug is produced in the form of a suspension, tablets. In the first case, give 0.5 teaspoons per day, in the second — ¼ of the tablet.

To save a cat’s life after a bee sting, you can give any antihistamine drug that will be in your home first aid kit, but then you should show the pet to a specialist. Carry out further therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian.

If a beetle has bitten a cat’s paw, there is no particular cause for concern. But the animal may have an individual intolerance to bee venom. In this case, the consequences are unpredictable, the foot swells noticeably. To avoid complications, an antihistamine should be given immediately after the bite is detected.

Treating a cat if bitten by a horsefly

The bite disappears completely within a week. Pain, swelling are gradually replaced by itching. There is a risk of joining a secondary infection if the pet starts scratching itchy wounds. To avoid suppuration, the development of ulcers, it is necessary to treat wounds after a bite daily to reduce itching.

It is allowed to use creams, topical ointments: Asterisk balm, Fenistil Gel, Beinval. Or use folk remedies:

juice of fresh parsley leaves; plantain leaf, yarrow; dandelion roots; a slice of lemon; a piece of raw potatoes; decoction of tansy; aloe juice; chopped onion, garlic; salty water.

Medicines are applied to the skin, make lotions, compresses. If the situation does not improve in 3 days, you should seek help from a specialist. In most cases, to alleviate the suffering of a pet, it is enough to provide first aid, to observe the well-being of the cat for several days.

A cat was bitten by a bug or a horsefly — what to do?

Cats are very curious animals, especially small kittens who constantly want to find out something, sniff and play with both butterflies and flying insects, including bugs. Being a predator by nature, a cat, once outside, especially in the summer, begins to realize its predatory instinct, trying to catch bees crawling on the flowers of plants. If a cat has not previously had communication with bugs, then this can end quite sadly for her. With the onset of the warm season, bees in search of nectar are regular visitors to flowering plants, and of course the beetle is not to blame when a cat or kitten tries to play with it. Cat owners often do not know what to do if their pet is stung by a bug.

Symptoms of a bee sting in a cat. Being with a cat in nature where bees fly in search of nectar, you notice that the cat suddenly starts behaving inappropriately for nothing. From a painful bee sting, the cat begins to run, rush about, climb into various places. During an external examination of their pet, the owners note that the cat is breathing heavily, suffocating, the bite site (nose or paw) is swollen, the bite site is very painful. Increased salivation appears (the cat drools), lacrimation, after a bite, the cat begins to vomit (vomiting in a cat), convulsions and fever.

With severe bug bites, a cat can develop anaphylactic shock.

What to do if a cat was stung by a bug or a horsefly?

The main thing in this situation is not to get confused, take the following measures in time:

Carefully inspect the site of the bee sting and try to remove the bee sting. We squeeze the bee sting wound with two fingers and try to remove some of the bee venom that has entered the wound. We treat the bee sting wound with any disinfectant. To remove the tumor, we make a compress of baking soda in boiled water. Apply ice or a cold compress to the site of inflammation. To relieve an allergic reaction, we give an antihistamine.

Prednisolone. At home, 0.5 tablets are required. The tablet is turned into powder, diluted with water and poured into the cat’s mouth. In the event that it is requiredinstantaneous relief of an allergic reaction, a cat is injected intramuscularly, 0.5 ml of solution is injected.

Dexamethasone. Apply with obvious signs of allergies — vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing. An injection is made with a solution of 0.2 ml.

Diazolin. It is recommended if the beetle has bitten a kitten, an adult cat, a cat. Dose — 0.5 tablets at a time. On the first day, an antihistamine is given three times.

If the edema is severe, it is helpful to give a diuretic to the cat. We give rest to the stung cat and calm it down.

Treating a cat after being bitten by a bee or if bitten by a horsefly

A bee sting reaction in a cat usually resolves within a week. Soreness and swelling are gradually replaced by itching. Due to the fact that the cat begins to comb the itchy place with its claws, there is a risk of a secondary infection. To avoid suppuration, the development of ulcers, it is necessary to treat wounds after a bite daily to reduce itching.

For this purpose, you can use creams, topical ointments: Asterisk balm, Fenistil Gel, Beinval. Sometimes medicinal plants are used:

juice of fresh parsley leaves; plantain leaf, yarrow; dandelion roots; decoction of tansy.

Can be used:

a slice of lemon; a piece of raw potatoes; aloe juice; chopped onion, garlic; salty water.

These medicines are applied to the bite site, make lotions, compresses. If the condition of the sore spot does not improve in 3 days, you should seek help from a veterinary specialist. In most cases, to alleviate the suffering of a pet, it is enough to provide first aid, to observe the well-being of the cat for several days.

When, as a result of a cat bee sting, it is urgent to contact a veterinary clinic

In cats, as in dogs, as a result of a bug bite, a severe allergic reaction can occur, up to anaphylactic shock. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, we can talk about saving the animal and urgently contacting a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock in a cat:

The cat develops severe painful itching in the muzzle area. The cat suddenly starts to crouch, rubbing its eyes, ears and muzzle with its paws. Often the cat does it all very furiously, meowing “bewilderedly”. As a result of the onset of bronchospasm and venous congestion in the pulmonary circulation, the cat develops a sharp difficulty in breathing. Visible mucous membranes of the head instantly turn blue, become cold to the touch. In the future, the cat develops laryngeal edema, breathing becomes hoarse and intermittent. If you do not provide emergency assistance, the cat will die from suffocation.

In addition, you must contact the veterinary clinic:

When a beetle stung in the throat area or when a kitten swallowed a bee. Several bees attacked the cat. Very severe swelling at the site of a bee sting. If the beetle stung a small kitten and a high probability of developing anaphylactic shock. The cat showed signs of choking, vomiting and coughing. Increased salivation. The bee sting is stuck in hard-to-reach places for removing the bee sting and there is no way to remove it yourself. The cat’s body temperature has risen sharply. The cat behaves inappropriately, convulsions appeared, she loses consciousness.

The cat was bitten by a bug

The cat was bitten by a bug. What to do?

The problem with bites haunts both people and animals. And it is not necessary to have a hive with bees or be a professional beekeeper for a bug to sting either you or your beloved pet. Everyone knows the notorious feline curiosity. Little kittens are especially curious, they are trying to find out everything and everywhere, “sniff out”. the beetle is in a constant search for nectar and is not to blame for the fact that it has a cat or a kitten on its way. The cat has predator genes. Trying to catch an insect ends for a cat or kitten, in most cases, sadly. Often a cat is attacked not only by bees or wasps, but also by spiders, hornets, etc. What to do when a cat is stung by a beetle, gadfly, hornet or spider? What should be our first actions? In such cases, the confusion of the pet owner can lead to disastrous results. It is worth reading some tips — how to behave when an insect has stung a cat?

A cat’s life is on the tip of a beespruce sting

What’s wrong with that, well, a kitten was stung by a beetle, how many times a beetle stung us and we are alive. This attitude to the issue of bees is wrong and can cost your pet life. Each person has his own reaction to the sting of a bee or other insect, often an allergic reaction leads to serious consequences, and sometimes to death. But, the weight of a person is not comparable with a cat, and even more so with a kitten. A cat stung by a bee will at least begin to behave inappropriately, because we know the cause of the pain, the animal feels only pain. In an attempt to get rid of the pain, the cat begins to rush about, run and climb into various places, which can be fatal.

For example, a wasp or bee sting near the mucous membrane will provoke a tumor. An incredible burning sensation in the area of ​​the bite, heaviness of breathing and even suffocation — an incomplete list of all the terrible things that await the cat. An allergic reaction to a bee sting in a cat cannot be ruled out either. Edema from the bite, which has spread in the throat area, threatens the cat with a painful death.

If you have witnessed how your cat suffered from a bee sting, watch your pet’s further behavior. Depending on the site of the bite and how strong the kitten’s body is, behavior can be unpredictable. Symptoms to watch out for:

after a bee sting, the cat began to vomit; the bite site is swollen; the cat is breathing heavily, suffocating; increased salivation; convulsions and fever.

There is no time left to think — urgently transport a kitten or a cat to a veterinary clinic. Only a specialist can help your pet. Every minute can cost a four-legged friend his life.

First aid for a cat after being bitten by a bee or other insect

Not always a veterinary clinic, a veterinarian is ten minutes away. What to do when a cat is stung by a bug, what first aid can you give yourself? First aid for a cat will depend on what kind of insect has become the culprit of the inconvenience to the animal.

The cat was bitten by a gadfly. The gadfly does not leave a sting. The cat was bitten by a bug. In this case, you need to remove the sting from the cat’s body as soon as possible.

Further actions: make a soda compress, reduce itching from the bite. A compress from a soda solution will also reduce swelling. The compress should be cold or even ice cold. Using such a compress, you will ease the pain in your pet. Remember the proverb: “A kind word is pleasant even for a cat”, do not forget to talk to the animal.

Separately, I would like to mention the drug Benadryl. Cat owners who are aware of an allergic reaction in their wards should always have this drug on hand. With the help of Benadryl, more than one cat was pulled out of the other world after a bee or wasp sting.

What to do when a cat is bitten by a spider?

Not all spiders are harmless and we are not talking about tarantulas now. Even in our latitudes there are spiders that have a protective weapon in the form of poison. Particularly dangerous for both cats and people are the black widow, the brown hermit. If the cat falls into the clutches of these killers, then the likelihood that she will survive is very small. After the bite of the spider mentioned above, the cat will begin pulmonary and heart failure. The apotheosis will be death from intoxication of the body.

A person cannot protect a cat from absolutely any danger, including bees and spiders. Cats are playful and curious animals from childhood. A person can only make sure that the cat does not play in potentially dangerous places. After all, it is better to prevent a disaster than to correct the consequences. But, if, nevertheless, your cat was bitten by a spider or a beetle and inexplicable transformations of behavior and its body occur before your eyes with the animal, urgently go to the veterinarian. Only a professional veterinarian can save the animal. On the way to the vet, give the cat first aid. God bless and everything will work out. Control your cat and be aware of the places she visits the most.

What to do if a cat is bitten by a bug or a gadfly?

Cats are playful, mobile hunters who often choose insects as prey. In defense, buzzing hymenoptera inflict serious damage with their venom. When your pet has been bitten by a gadfly, he needs to be helped, to observe his further actions.

repelsDepending on the affected area, the distinctive features of the animal’s body, a bite can affect well-being in different ways, and often leads to death. If your pet’s condition worsens, you should immediately go to the veterinarian.

What to do if a cat is bitten by a gadfly? If your cat is suddenly stung by a bug or gadfly, it is important to know the symptoms of an allergic reaction and the steps to help at home.


The owner does not always have the opportunity to keep track of his pet, but by his behavior he should suspect the fact of a wasp sting. The cat, often, plaintively meows, scratches, licks the stung place. A more detailed examination of the lesion usually reveals a red spot, swelling, traces of claws, teeth, with which the animal wants to quench the itching that has arisen.

The degree of inflammation depends on the weight, age and type of insect biting your pet. The most extensive swelling will appear in a kitten stung by a bee on the nose, cheeks or eyes. A wasp sting on the tongue is especially dangerous. The symptoms here are similar to those of humans:

round redness; edema; burning, itching; pain.

An animal bitten by an aggressive bee rushes around the corners, its behavior is restless, sometimes violent. When wasp venom gets into your cat’s paw, lameness is observed. These signs are caused by a developing allergy to wasp toxin, which is accompanied by the above consequences, as well as:

diarrhea lacrimation; convulsions; swelling of the larynx; rise in temperature; lack of appetite, weakness.

In mild cases of a wasp or bee sting, all signs disappear on their own after a few days. But in view of the existing danger of damage to the respiratory tract of your pet and the onset of suffocation, veterinarians recommend that immediately after the discovery of trouble, take immediate action.

Finding a bite

Finding a stung point can be a difficult task. The cat becomes active, aggressive, hisses, scratches, bites.

You should monitor the behavior of the pet. If the lesion fell on the muzzle, swelling is noticeable, in the paw — lameness, the cat will constantly lick or tear other points on the body with its claws.

An insect bite is often visible, pronounced redness. At the initial symptoms, immediate therapy is required to reduce the allergic reaction in the cat.

If the bite of a wasp, bee or bumblebee hit the nose, but your cat was not helped in time, then the resulting edema will prevent the animal from eating normally. With significant complications, the latter can spread to the respiratory tract, leading to suffocation.

When a bee stings your cat in the cheek area, swelling of the latter is observed, with a possible transition of edema to other parts of the body.

When affected, the pet shows weakness, develops chills, increased heart rate, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. A strong reaction of the cat’s body to a wasp sting is manifested in failures of its coordination.

It is easy to detect such a fact — the muzzle of the animal swells greatly, the lip protrudes, the features become disproportionate. The cat leans against the cold wall, the ground, trying to calm the pain and get rid of the sting.

If gadfly has bitten your cat directly on the lip, then it is useless to make lotions, as well as use ointments. They will be licked off along with saliva and go inside the stomach. You need to apply compresses. To do this, use ice wrapped in a thin cloth. Compresses will help narrow the blood vessels, thereby preventing the further spread of insect venom. The pain effect and swelling gradually decreases.

You can find out that your cat was bitten by a poisonous beetle in the throat or in the tongue not only by noticeable shortness of breath — there is a strong swelling, vomiting, and profuse salivation. This is one of the most dangerous types of toxin damage, accompanied by swelling of the nasopharynx.

You can not hesitate for a second, it is better to immediately help the pet, conducting intensive therapy with special preparations available at home.

It is important to know what to do and how to act promptly, what medicines to use if your cat is suddenly bitten by a bug.

The first step is to remove the sting, which could remain under the skin and continues to exude a pathogenic poison. With a wasp sting — it is not.

A cat or a cat needs to be taken from the street, to provide coolness, complete peace. The sting of the bee must be carefully removed with tweezers so as not to damage its integrity. You need to act carefully, otherwise the end of the poisoned needle will remain under the skin of the pet and further surgical intervention may be necessary. After removing the bee tip, you need to press on both sides of the received hole with your fingers — blood will come out of it, and with it the remains of the poison should come out. Further, the problem area of ​​the cat’s body is treated with an antiseptic to remove inflammation. It can be a pharmacy cream, drug, ointment or folk remedies. To make the swollen part come down faster, use a cold compress.

A cat is allergic after an insect bite

If the beetle stuck its sting into the muzzle area, there is a high probability of laryngeal edema, which makes breathing difficult. You should immediately introduce adrenaline to your cat, conduct antihistamine therapy, i.e. give an anti-allergic agent: ointment, tablets, drops.

Pedigree pets and cats with weak immunity are more susceptible to the development of reactions. Do not worry if your kitten swallowed a wasp or — it does not bite inside the stomach. See if the insect has managed to sting the mouth. A bee sting is ruled out when there are no symptoms within 30 minutes.


For the treatment of an insect bite, special cat medicines are not provided, so traditional medicines are turned to for help. The reaction of the pet’s body to wasp toxin is different: from a slight swelling to anaphylactic shock.

With signs of the latter, immediate hospitalization of the cat is required. A weak inflammatory focus can be stopped with improvised drugs from the first-aid kit, at home.

Insect sting pills

Often, pet owners with manifestations of symptoms of a lesion use Apis homeopathic tablets, a dosage of two or three pieces. They quickly remove the risk of developing a further allergic reaction. If the pet has already suffered from severe allergies, this medication should always be at home.

It is advisable to use corticosteroids. This series of drugs is prescribed by a doctor, refers to hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Experienced cat breeders use Prednisolone in the form of pills, with the calculation of 0.5 — 1 mg of the drug per kilogram of animal weight.

For the treatment of minor inflammation of the soft tissues in cats, remedies based on medicinal herbs are used in the form of creams. They use the time-tested Asterisk, Bepanten, Menovazin. With symptoms of moderate severity, Fenistil gel therapy is carried out. When the initial period of the development of the disease was missed, the clinical picture acquired pronounced features, then the cat needs anti-allergic ointments of deeper penetration: Triaccutane, Elokom, Advantan and Betamethasone.

With aggravating factors, in the form of a developed infectious focus, your cat needs a local antibiotic, most often drugs are used — Tetracycline, Gentamicin, Levomekol or Erythromycin.

The skin integuments inflamed by a bee sting should be treated from 1 to 4 times / day. As the disease disappears, the dosage is reduced. Therapeutic measures last 5-6 days. When the bite fell on the body, paw or tail, and the cat’s health did not deteriorate, such therapy will be enough.

See also: Treatment of bees with oxalic acid from varroatosis: instructions for use, benefits and harms, treatment with glycerin, according to Swedish technology

If the cat was bitten by a gadfly, after 2 days the pet’s health has not improved, it is recommended to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Stopping an allergic reaction with potent drugs without consulting a qualified specialist is extremely risky. With the wrong choice of dosage, they can reduce weak immunity, lead to a re-emergence of the disease in the infectious plane. If it is not possible to take the injured cat to a medical center, you can get a doctor’s consultation by phone and treat it yourself.

Usually recommended therapy with Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Diazolin. In cases where a beetle has bitten a kitten, Benadryl is used. The common Suprastin is not a universal enough medication and does not find an immune response in all cats.

Folk remedies

Many owners prefer folk remedies to pharmaceutical preparations, due to their complete safety and the ability to use in unlimited quantities. Their effectiveness is not as high as drug therapy, but still beneficial. Use the following tips:

A piece of citrus or apple applied to vinegar relieves irritation; Treat the hearth with soapy water, tincture of chamomile, sea buckthorn, calendula, which have a calming effect; Turmeric, diluted with water, helps to relieve the inflammatory process; An oatmeal bath can eliminate itching and pain in a pet; Citric acid, diluted with water, relieves swelling well.

When a beetle has bitten your cat in the torso or paw — this method of therapy should beget enough. Despite the abundance of various treatment options invented by traditional healers, if your pet gets worse, it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist.


It is almost impossible to completely protect your cat from a bite, but when he spends the summer season in nature, the possibility of insect infestation should be minimized. For this:

Windows are covered with mosquito nets, doors are hung with curtains; Periodically inspect the territory, destroy the existing nests of bees; Treat pets with repellents.

It is not recommended to feed cats on the street, here it is much easier for insects to get into food, and, accordingly, the risk of being hit by a wasp is much greater.


It is important to know what to do when your house cat is bitten by a bug, horsefly or gadfly. If the animal’s health has deteriorated sharply, the bite site is very swollen, vomiting, salivation is detected, the temperature has risen, breathing has become frequent or difficult — act quickly, use antihistamines, or better, promptly take your pet to the veterinary clinic! Any second of delay can cost the pet its life.

Prevention of bee stings can only be home protection — mosquito nets on the windows, nets in the doors. Animal bowls should not be placed outside.

And, of course, pets must be closely monitored and treated with repellents.

Most often, a bee sting does not pose a danger to a cat, the symptoms disappear in a few days, but the location of the poison causes great suffering to the pet. If the animal was previously bitten by bees, and it did not have allergic reactions, then the cat will tolerate the next bite well.
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